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Endometrial Biopsy Specialist

Women's Health Specialists, PLLC

OBGYNs located in Murfreesboro, TN

If you have abnormal bleeding or a heavy menstrual period, Women's Health Specialists, PLLC, may recommend an endometrial biopsy. During this in-office procedure, the team takes a sample of endometrial tissue to determine the root cause of your gynecological symptoms. Find out more about an endometrial biopsy by calling the office in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, or scheduling an appointment online today.

Endometrial Biopsy Q & A

What is an endometrial biopsy?

An endometrial biopsy is an in-office procedure where your Women's Health Specialists, PLLC, provider takes a small sample of endometrial tissue from inside your uterus.

The endometrial tissue is part of your menstrual cycle and grows each month in anticipation of pregnancy. When you don’t get pregnant, your body sheds the lining during your period. 

Some gynecological conditions affect the function of your endometrial tissue causing heavy or abnormal bleeding. An endometrial biopsy may help determine the root cause of your gynecological symptoms. 

Why would I need an endometrial biopsy?

Your provider at Women's Health Specialists, PLLC, explains why you need an endometrial biopsy. The team often performs the procedure in women with abnormal bleeding symptoms such as:

  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Bleeding in between your period
  • Bleeding after menopause

The team may request an endometrial biopsy if they found endometrial thickening during an ultrasound test. You may also benefit from the procedure if you’re having a hard time getting pregnant and your OB/GYN needs more information to understand the root cause of your infertility.

The endometrial biopsy is also the most common test for diagnosing or ruling out endometrial cancer. 

What happens during an endometrial biopsy?

The Women's Health Specialists, PLLC, team performs your endometrial biopsy in the office. During the procedure, you lie on your back with your knees bent and then place your feet in stirrups.

Your provider inserts a speculum in your vagina to separate the walls and better access to your uterus. Then, they clean your cervix and insert a thin suction tool through your vagina and cervix to get a sample of tissue from your uterus.

Your provider sends your tissue sample to the lab for analysis. 

The procedure takes about 15 minutes, and the team usually performs the biopsy without the need for anesthesia. 

What happens after an endometrial biopsy?

Your provider at Women's Health Specialists, PLLC, gives you specific guidelines to follow after your endometrial biopsy. These may include avoiding tampons and vaginal intercourse for a few days. You may have some cramping following your endometrial biopsy.

The team contacts you once they have the results of your biopsy from the lab.

To find out more about an endometrial biopsy, call Women's Health Specialists, PLLC, or schedule an appointment online today.